Along The Way Ministries
Along The Way Ministries is supported by a network of churches and individuals like you who love God’s Church and want to see local congregations become effective once again in representing Jesus Christ in their community.
Along The Way is a tax-deductible ministry, operating under the 501c3 of Friendship Bible Church, C&MA, Keystone Heights, Fl. 32656 All donor organizations and individuals will receive receipts for tax purposes. You will receive regular updates and Prayer & Praise reports on Along The Way’s travels and ministries
You can send your tax-free deduction to:
Friendship Bible Church
P.O. Box 1007
Keystone Heights, FL. 32656
Or you can go to their website and click the donate button. In the memo designate the funds for Along the Way.
Or you can donate thru Paypal by clicking on the donate button below.